Seminar Locations and Dates

PACE Learning Program

An individualized, one-on-one program that will
give your child lifelong learning tools

Become a Provider

PACE Program 6385 Corporate Drive – Suite 101
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Call us at: 1-719-955-6708

How Can We Help You?

If you are interested in starting a business and providing PACE training and Master the Code to those in your community, please watch our our introductory video on the right which…

  • Demonstrates PACE training procedures used with students who have learning problems.
  • Reviews the concepts of learning and how to improve learning.
  • Discusses learning disabilities (LD), dyslexia, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other learning problems.
  • Contains comments from students, parents, and providers.

If you are not interested in being a provider but want help for yourself or someone you love, please click here to learn about the options available to you.

Building skills for learning performance

An opportunity to start a business and to help others succeed

If you are interested in starting a business and providing help to those with learning or reading problems, then you’re right where you should be. Continue below to learn about providing Processing and Cognitive Enhancement – PACE.

Please Note: Unlike most business opportunities, we are NOT interested in enticing you to consider PACE Program with dreams of financial rewards! (They will come only when you have significantly helped others.)

We want you to first consider the product. After you have gathered and studied all the information you can about PACE – You should move on to something else – if you are not fully convinced that PACE:

It is so much easier working when you know that you are providing the best help available.

With this in mind, this website will provide you with:

  1. A quick overview of mental skills training, how it makes learning and working easier and faster.
  2. A better understanding of:
    • How we determine the cause of slow, inaccurate, and frustrating learning.
    • How we correct these problems.
    • What results your students can expect (examine our before and after studies).
  3. A specialized tutoring small business or home-based business opportunity, either full or part-time, as part of a professional practice or a separate business.

But before looking at the business opportunity, you should know that PACE is about helping students who have trouble learning. And you should know what makes PACE so unique and special. Click here to read more…

Parents' and Students'

Richard C.
I see marked improvement in his ability to create mental images from printed information. He seems to retain more of what he reads now, and he reads much more smoothly than before. His mother and I feel that he thinks more highly of himself because of personal improvements attributable to his own efforts. He knows that "he made it happen." We know that the program enabled him to see his own progress.
Barbara and Dennis W.
Michelle is eager to learn. I don't see Michelle telling me, "I can't do it." She is looking for more challenging things to do. Well worth the time and money. I would do it again with my other children.
Pam B.
I think the program was very good! Amanda doesn't get as frustrated as she used to during reading, understands more, uses her hands and eyes together, and reacts faster to words and pictures. I'm glad the program was available.
Donald G.
Mike's attitude has changed drastically for the better. He works with more detail. I believe Mike has definitely benefited from your program! He has more positive outlook and more confidence in himself. He spends more time reading and is able to finish his school work at school.

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